When selecting a name server provider, the following seven arguments in favour of ironDNS® should be taken into account.

Data Protection according to strict European Regulations (GDPR)
The office of ironDNS® is located in Germany, Europe.
For this reason, operation is governed by the strict privacy policies of the European Union. Passing on statistical data, which could for example be used to create personal profiles, is therefore ruled out.

Focus on Core Business
As Internet use for business-critical applications has sharply increased, so have the challenges for name servers handling Internet addresses (domain names). In many cases, the historically grown technical structures are not sufficient any more at all. This is often recognized too late, however, namely when DoS attacks, for example, cause Internet addresses to become unresponsive.
Companies and domain name registrars are often lacking time and resources to deal with this topic. It is reasonable that they take care of their core business and leave the operation of the DNS infrastructure to experts.

Neutrality and Independence
ironDNS® is technically and commercially independent of other participants in the domain market as well as completely neutral.
Adhering to Internet standards, ironDNS® can for example work with registry operators that also conform to these standards without any problems. Such registries are (among others):
- Afilias
- Central Registry Solutions
- Donuts
- GMO Registry
- Neustar
- nic.at
- VeriSign

Software diversity is the basic protection against malfunction and attacks. ironDNS® is a name server software and service that is wholly independent of all other name server implementations.

Anycast against Attacks
The anycast technology has proven one of the most useful means against DoS attacks. So far it has often been used only for registries though, since it is costly to operate. Thanks to ironDNS®, however, this technology is now available to every registrant of Internet addresses (domain names).

The developers of ironDNS® are not newcomers in the domain business or coming from other careers. More than two decades of experience with registries, registrar business and end customer care comes “bundled” with ironDNS®.

Usage of ironDNS® is cheaper than building a comparable service oneself. It has to be taken into account that ironDNS® offers flat rates, that is usage-independent tariffs. The clear pricing structure does not allow for unpleasant surprises or hidden costs.