Outstanding product features
of ironDNS®
The services offered by ironDNS® target registries, domain registrars as well as companies. All of these share the dependence on a high-availability, reliable, world-wide name server service.
Design decisions during the develoment of ironDNS® have always been based on ensuring stability, availability and reliability of the product. Compromises were not accepted as a matter of principle. This sometimes lead to more complex and elaborate solutions, but these prove advantageous for the customer in the end.
The performance characteristics listed in what follows are available for all three customer groups mentioned. When booking a tariff, either a standard product can be chosen or a customized product can be set up for the customer.
“When developing ironDNS® we have set the bar rather high: world class”
Dr. Markus Harle
Product developer of ironDNS®
Two worlds: IPv4 and IPv6
Naturally, ironDNS® feels at home in all worlds. IPv6 is therefore part of any product by default and automatically activate at all nodes.
Unicast and Anycast
The anycast technology can be utilized with ironDNS® to fend off DDoS attacks. Contrary to the unicast method, different locations are assigned the same Internet address.
The name server locations of ironDNS® have been selected so cleverly that it is possible to form two anycast clouds. Due to this, ironDNS® offers a high reliability of operation.
The royal league
The locations of the ironDNS® nodes have been selected with great care. To ensure low network latencies for end users, the nodes are distributed globally. Most chosen data centres possess at least one tier 1 connection, the “royal league” of Internet connections. Furthermore the locations are network topologically near to local exchange points.
There are different scenarios for naming the name servers: They can have ironDNS® in their name (e.g. “ams3.irondns.net”) or be “branded” especially for the customer (e.g. “ns1.customername.com”).
The ironDNS® name servers can be configured in three different ways:
- Via the web-based Control Panel,
- by means of a convenient SOAP API,
- using an already existing name server (AXFR, IXFR).
Better safe than sorry: DNSSEC
ironDNS® is entirely primed for the standard DNSSEC. It naturally employs NSEC3 according to RFC 5155 and follows the DNSSEC Operational Practices (RFC 6781).